Still with you, Mr. Toth, and if you're not comfortable in answering, then that's fine. Using the Ontario perspective, right now there has been a work stoppage. That means that extracurriculars are not being done in the province of Ontario, at the primary or secondary levels.
That always seems to be a bit of a dilemma. A number of years ago there was some discussion about allowing professionals to come in to the school systems. Where there were no certified teachers available to do the job, professionals would be allowed in to the schools to fill positions with respect to music, but in this case coaching.
I know you said that teachers can fill these roles. I had great high school teachers who were coaches for me, but I've always thought, and you mentioned it, that it's a bit unfair that they are being paid the same as the teacher who goes home at 2:30 or 3:30.
My question is twofold. Should we be inviting more professionals into the schools to do athletics, where there is a void? Should our education system be looking at rewarding those who take on extra responsibilities and maybe go out to get training to become professional coaches as well as teachers?