I can say as a coach that this is the sort of career that you push for the kids, knowing that swimming is not a sport in which they're going to make thousands or millions of dollars and be able to continue it as a career. There is one swimmer in the history of swimming who has done it: Michael Phelps. He's one in, I don't know, 10 million. We're not going to see this again for a really long time. He's really the only one. He put swimming back on the map and made a really great living at it, but he is the only one—maybe one other guy.
As coaches, that's what we strive for. If we can get a swimmer to get a scholarship to a U.S. university or go to the Ivy League to get a free education, then it's absolutely worth it. If the Canadian universities were to offer the same thing, it would be a lot more interesting. We would maybe keep a lot more of our swimmers. We have many swimmers who will end up going to McGill, but they're paying Quebec resident fees, which are a lot less than what they would pay if they were coming from out of province. They're lucky in that sense.
Otherwise, it's really hard for kids to leave and go to university somewhere else. The financial burden is a lot. If there were scholarships, as you said, it would be really interesting.