The physical infrastructure part is hard. You're right: I think if you ask most people for a quick response about the legacy of 1967, they'll point to the physical infrastructure. You can't go very far in this country without finding a centennial arena, a centennial park, a centennial bridge, a centennial waterfront, etc. They're now 50 years old. Of course, as you can appreciate, many of these were built in a rush to meet the deadline of 1967, as infrastructure projects are often put on the clock.
So a lot of those pieces of infrastructure are in tough shape, which is part of why we had the RInC program. It was part of the targeting of our stimulus infrastructure money in the economic action plan. We are doing a reassessment of all those projects. It wouldn't exactly be a great 150th celebration to have the infrastructure from the 100th celebration falling apart. We want to do a full assessment of how these arenas are doing and what part the government can take in that.
I think it's important for all communities and all members of Parliament to look around your districts, look around your riding--you mentioned the hall in your riding--and find projects that were funded as part of the centennial to see whether or not they could qualify for things like I just described to Tyrone, such as the infrastructure upgrades to upgrade things and to keep them seismically safe and the fire-suppression equipment and so on. We are looking at that.
As you know, technology comes, technology goes. A lot of cultural legacy things.... For example, to go back to the War of 1812, in 1998, if memory serves, we had a four-part series on the war of 1812. Obviously the story still holds up and the production value still holds up,but most copies of that movie are in 4:3 aspect ratio, not widescreen. So it's actually difficult to get that film to make sense on most people's televisions now. I think that for a lot of people, when they're watching their TVs and bring up a show that's in 4:3, they instantly think it's outdated. That's a small way of answering....
Yes, we want to invest in cultural events and legacy projects like films and documentaries that are important to Canadians,but whether or not they'll have saliency 50 years after this is hard to say.