So far there has been unanimity of energy and commitment by all of our institutions and crown corporations related to the Department of Canadian Heritage on projects related to Canada 2017.
For the people who we appoint to the boards of our national museums, to the CBC, to Library and Archives Canada, and to all these institutions, we generally look for people who are really forward-leaning, who are really enthusiastic about film, if we're appointing to Telefilm or the NFB, or who are really enthusiastic about the pan-Canadian infrastructure that is the CBC for disseminating Canadian information to Canadians. We try to appoint people who are thoughtful, who think outside of the box, who bring new ideas to the table, who challenge the status quo, and who come up with thoughtful entrepreneurial ideas on how to spread things.
For example, this year is the CBC's 75th anniversary. They produced and showed a phenomenal show on John A. Macdonald that was I think almost unanimously critically acclaimed for its quality. They've engaged in this process. They're looking forward to 2017.
Our national museums are planning travelling exhibits and staging them out. I know that the War Museum, the Museum of Civilization, and the National Gallery all have different travelling exhibits they're preparing, from now through 2017. They are very forward-leaning and hopeful about what they can accomplish.
I think everybody's using 2017 as a moment to cantilever on all kinds of really great programs. I think we'll get Canada's collections, our history, our art, and our incredible diversity of educational materials all across the country. Partnerships with local and regional museums are something that everybody is looking forward to.
I can say in full sincerity that I have nothing but good things to say about Canada's partners and the way in which they are really enthusiastically tackling 2017.