That was not my idea. It was your committee's idea. I am fine with either the Green Party of Canada or the Parti vert. That is the acronym this group chose.
I'm presenting a small amendment to back up and say that overall I'm prepared to take a leap of faith and support this bill, but there are many things that have created a great deal of concern in the community at large. I've had many representations opposed to this bill. Both of my amendments go toward putting to rest some of the concerns of people across the country who are not as prepared as I am to give the Minister of Heritage, whom I think has nothing but best intentions, the benefit of the doubt.
My amendment is to proposed paragraph 9(1)(c). It simply removes the word “destroy”. The clause now reads that in furtherance of its purpose, the Canadian Museum of History may “sell, exchange, give away, destroy or otherwise dispose of museum material in its collection”.
I suggest removing the word “destroy”. I think it would increase public confidence in the entire act.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.