According to the amendment we are proposing, the Canadian Museum of History would not include the Canadian War Museum or any other museum. If we want to have a museum of history, let's make one, but let's not damage the reputation of the Canadian Museum of Civilization, especially since there is a danger. If everything is grouped together, there is a risk that the current government will have control and provide its own interpretation of history, which is hardly reassuring. It would be sort of like revisiting history through the eyes of the Conservative Party.
Just think of the emphasis placed on the War of 1812 festivities. Yet, according to polls, less than one-tenth of 1% of Canadians said they knew the war existed. In fact, it is an insignificant part of Canadian history. That gives us an idea of what the party wants to do with our history, or rather with the rewriting of our history, which would then be very different. I think every museum has its own calling and, if we want to create a museum of history, it should focus on history only.
Thank you.