Absolutely. We were partners in Breakaway, so we're very happy about that. It will be on CBC.
One of the most exciting things we're doing that speaks directly to your point is that we will be offering, starting next summer, a two-hour block of Canadian film every week. You might be interested that one of the issues we have with two-hour blocks of film is that because The National news is on at 10 o'clock, it's very difficult for us to find movies that you can play between 8 and 10 o'clock that are family-friendly. And some Canadian movies that are great Canadian movies--I'm thinking of Incendies, for example--are not something you could play between 8 and 10 o'clock.
So we're creating a big slot all summer long of what's going to be the Canadian movie night in Canada. It will run between 9 and 11 o'clock, or 9 and whenever the movie ends, because some Canadian films run long as well. That's going to start next summer.