Thank you for your comments on Sir John A. I think that was also a very good story.
Having stable funding and the ability to continue, like the other broadcasters, with the same rules being applied to all broadcasters under the Canada media fund and the local programming improvement funds are important assumptions towards our being able to deliver to Canadians the program that you saw.
Should government, in its quest to balance its books, choose to take dollars away from our government appropriation, that will not deter us from the three priorities that we have, which you heard: more national, more regional, and more digital, and all of that in an environment of transparency and accountability.
It might slow down the objectives we have. We told you that we think there are about seven million Canadians or a little more than that who are either under-served or unserved by local services of CBC/Radio-Canada. We might not get to the full number of six million, which is our projection in the plan. Funding reduction might slow it down, but it will not change the priorities that CBC/Radio-Canada will put out and has put out in this plan.