The Web is an extraordinary tool but it is not the only one. Our strategy to reach all of the communities and maintain that link with them is to ensure that we capitalize on our existing infrastructure, and to that we add the Web component.
In a few weeks, we will be announcing an important initiative that will allow us to consolidate the regional Web strategy. Each of the country's large regions will have Web service seven days a week; this service will be information-based in the main and will reflect what happens in each of these communities. This is an important step to consolidate our presence on the Web.
I would like to mention a project Hubert referred to briefly. This is the famous project concerning Montreal's north and south shores. It is an experimental project and must be seen as a virtual station. As Hubert mentioned, we know that certain populations have different characteristics. Sometimes we cannot obtain a broadcasting licence, and in addition, traditional broadcasting stations mean a large investment.
This project will allow us to test the mechanics of it all. We think that there is something very interesting there because it allows us to have a participatory relationship with our viewers, Internet users and the citizens in each of these regions. We know that Canadians are asking for this. They participate and this enriches our programming as a whole.