I remember Calgary's Olympics. I was just a kid.
I have three quick questions. First of all, Mr. Neuman, before I ask my question, I just want you to know that you probably don't realize that you were making a quotable quote. I wrote it down, and I'm going to quote you for a long time. You said that national pride isn't necessarily patting ourselves on the back so much as it is an expression of gratitude. I like that. It's beautiful. Sometimes Canadians are really worried, because they want to celebrate, but they also want to be nice and humble. By putting it that way, we can be both, passionately. That was well put.
Now here's my question. Without abdicating our responsibility as a committee, we talked about the importance of getting the corporations involved, without selling out. As good as your survey was, we must confess that 1,001 is not the hugest sample in the world. Have you considered doing a similar survey with a much larger sample?