Even today. That's how inspiring you were.
I guess my first question is for you, or all of you may be able to pipe in, Ms. Davies as well.
I've said before in front of this committee that I moved here as a young man in 1968, but the energy from Expo 67 was still palpable. It was actually quite instrumental, because it had then started the process of switching from Expo 67 to Man and His World. I don't know when the actual sort of takeover of name was, but I remember that. I remember going every year. It was quite instrumental when I was a young man in forming my opinions of Canada and making me the flag-waver that I am now.
For this 150th anniversary, for that kind of residual—and you said legacy application—how important do you think the kind of work is that needs to be done to create something that will continue to give for years to come?