Certainly, I can sympathize with the problem that Mr. Falk has with his company because we have exactly the same human resources issue at the start of the hunting and fishing seasons in our organization.
That being said, certainly there are an awful lot of activities that are going on across Canada right now that really we would use this to draw significantly greater attention to, particularly in our organization, with our mentored hunting program. Just to give you an example of the success of these programs, we surveyed—along with out Manitoba partners—the participants who went through the mentored hunt programs between 2004 and 2010. The survey respondents said that 76% of the participants continued hunting after going through the mentored hunt program and 58% reported recruiting somebody new to hunting as a result of that.
By bringing national attention to the importance of fishing, trapping, and hunting, it would certainly help us to demonstrate or raise awareness of the programming that is available right now through us and through other organizations like OFAH, and other organizations around the country. Certainly, it would be an awareness boost, we think, for these heritage activities.