Yes, I am sure it is positively received.
I say that because many of our first nations brothers and sisters, both in northern Quebec and across the reaches of this country, are now becoming engaged in the business of tourism and are operating more and more camps. If you take a look at government initiatives, you'll find some of the things that the ministers of aboriginal affairs in both the previous Liberal government and our current government have encouraged our first nations brothers and sisters to get involved in.
One of the figures I can recall off the top of my head for northern...and when I refer to northern, I'm talking about the real farther reaches of the north. We have somewhere in the vicinity of 400,000 visitors a year going to our north. That's not just for hunting, fishing, and trapping. What we have now is ecotourism. I think your former member, who's now a member of the Green Party, Mr. Hyer, and his business—I know it's at arm's-length—now have switched from hunting and fishing. He's more involved in ecotourism, which in and of itself is a great boon to the economy.