Okay, thank you.
David, it was interesting that a lot of folks in the country who are aware of the Ministry of Canadian Heritage at all focus on the Canada Music Fund and how to access that money to get themselves started. I found it fascinating. You didn't take that tack. You actually spoke about being an entrepreneur and being someone who's self-employed and trying to make your business, so to speak, successful to the point that you'd be independent in being able to employ both yourself and obviously the rest of the band, and those who work with you.
It was a very interesting way that you presented it. I want to get a feeling from you about your access to things like the Canada Music Fund. As you were going through the growth of the band and as you were becoming more popular, but you realized it costs money to tour, it costs money to write music, all of those things, was the Ministry of Canadian Heritage or the Canada Music Fund something you thought about on a regular basis, or were you more focused on trying to do this independently without having to access government?