One of the biggest problems with Canadian content development funding is just deciding whose money it is. We have always taken the position that once Canadian content development money is there, it should really belong to the music industry. That's something that is still unclear. Is it the radio's money or is it our money? That's something, if anything, that could be clarified.
It should be the industry's money, and we should have discretion to do what we need to do with that funding. That's not clear. I think the government could take a position trying to clarify this.
As far as the other regulatory matters with the CRTC are concerned, certainly making sure that the Canadian content development funding is spent properly, is spent on time, and that we get the money is important.
As for balancing, we've already found that many of the radio stations like the money to stay in their local communities. One of the problems the stations have is that when it goes into some central pot, it doesn't always make its way back to the local community.
In the $5.2 million program that we did with the Pattison Broadcast Group, for example, their CCD money stayed local. This helped to balance the equation nationally. Some sort of balance between national programs and regional programs is very important.