Thank you.
My name is Solange Drouin and I am the Vice-President of Public Affairs and the Executive Director of ADISQ.
First of all, I would like to thank you for having invited us to participate in the review that you have begun of the Canadian music industry, including its funding.
To begin, I'd like to say a few words about our association. ADISQ is a professional association that represents disk, performance and video producers working mainly in Canada's French-language market.
Our association is over 35 years old, and we are active in every field that involves our members' interests: workforce training, labour relations, funding businesses, broadcasting and telecommunications, as well as collective promotion.
To truly understand the reality of both Canadian markets, francophone and anglophone, let us briefly review the organization of this sector at an international level.
Throughout the world, three companies share 80% of the market. These companies, you already know. They are Warner, Universal and Sony. The other 20% of the world's market is shared by a multitude of small, independent businesses whose proportion and weight in a given market vary significantly from one country to the next.