There are certainly things that can be done collectively, hence the usefulness of industry associations' involvement. I am not an expert on these issues, but I fully support these efforts. However, you have to band together in order to square off against the big players, like iTunes, Google and streaming sites. It is not easy.
The route we have chosen is to show off our performers in flesh and blood on international markets. However, we need viral tools, Internet tools and so on in order to do this. That is why I always come back to talking about labour. If a product is good, it will succeed in the end. It is just that it is increasingly difficult to sell a good product because there are so many of them. The competition we face is global.
My work is a bit more in the area of events, and that is what I am seeing out there in the field, be it in the United States or in England, where there are huge conference shows. Countries are branding themselves. Japan has its own brand, just like Nike. It's incredible.