David, I want to follow up on something. The reason we wanted to have the tourism folks here is to talk about the fact that, as you heard from the previous presenters, when you're trying to get into the industry now, you're just trying to make a living. It's not about sales of your albums any more, your songs. It's about being able to go out and tour, about being able to promote yourself. You keep referring back to the fact that you want to bring Americans or people from other parts of the world into Canada. That's the tourism responsibility. I understand that.
It's multi-dimensional, though, from a music perspective. We want Canadians to come out and witness Canadian music for two reasons. One is to understand how great Canadian music is, and two is to support the people who are in the industry within Canada.
I just wondered if you guys could comment a little more on the whole aspect. Mark laid it out very well in terms of the festivals, in terms of the direction that it needs to take. I don't know whether it's about partnering with Music Canada. I don't know how we grow the festival side of it, but could you all just speak to the fact that we need to get Canadians out to view Canadian music?