The first thing that has to be looked at is with current funding, the measurement for success tends to be aligned with record sales. I can't speak for Musicaction but definitely with FACTOR the measurement for how effective funding goes tends to go towards sales and that is not really a useful measure anymore. I think you can look at things like YouTube plays. You can look at streaming numbers, if any of the services actually release them, which I'm not sure is even possible; I know I've tried for Polaris nominees and have not had much success. I think more thought has to be given into how you actually measure the success of the projects and the artists that are currently being funded and are being funded moving forward.
The second thing has been touched on today. And it's becoming pretty clear in the minds of, I think, most of the people in the industry, that the recordings are there as a promotional expense, pretty much, and that the real way forward for any kind of economic success is touring and appearances. We can also touch on royalties that you get when a song is placed in a commercial or in a TV show or in a movie, that kind of income as well. These are things that can support those efforts and actually shifting focus more towards those things without, as I said before in my presentation, losing focus that artists still make albums. This is still their artistic output. It's the main thing that they go forward with; it's the reason why they tour. It's the thing that moves them to go forward as an artist, so you can't completely abandon the album and the recording as a thing to support, but the measurement for success and the way forward for economic success goes around all the other pieces that we've mentioned and that others, I'm sure, will mention.