I will tell you about the work we do. What we do is put newcomers on the stage. We create an event where the focus is on the fact that the performers are still unknown. By creating this event, we provide the opportunity to introduce them.
This leads me to the marketing aspect. I think of it very specifically in terms of new technology and in terms of the impact it can have on an organization of our size. It changes everything and also means that the process must be as integrated as possible in terms of the work of producers, artists and distributors. This is a bit beyond our capacity because it is very expensive to ensure you are visible on television or in the papers. At this time, the ability to reach people through social media is increased greatly by the fact that the artists will themselves send out information. This adds to the information put out by producers and distributors.
Regarding the English/French duality, there obviously is not much of a francophone music industry outside Quebec. Associations are the ones that support the artists and help them develop. In some regions, living as a francophone is a bit like playing an extreme sport. These are quite significant challenges for young artists.
New technologies and social media are clearly very important to young artists in terms of marketing. It is also very important to have the ability to create content with local artists within these various communities. I think it is important that they be able to do so.