I guess this is like the “dawning” of a new era, though I don't know if you'd use the word .
Simon, perhaps you could respond to this. We're going through this huge transitional phase, and we'd better just learn how to deal with it and move forward versus trying to think that we're somehow going to be able to attach ourselves to what happened in the past—i.e., the sale of CDs. I'm sure you've had a chance to read the transcripts a little with regard to the witnesses we've had here. They tell the exact opposite story that you're telling us: there is no money at all to be made from streaming, it's 0.00005¢ per, and at the end of the year they might make $47 or $48. You're taking sort of the opposite position there.
How do we as a committee, when we're looking at recommendations, square these two circles?