I think I can answer your question, Mr. Dion.
We talked about that in our presentation. I think there is an imbalance today between what the services pay and what the artists receive.
I mentioned that some services pay between 50% and 70% of their revenues in rights and royalties. But, as we mentioned earlier, artists and creators get $100 royalty cheques for those same services. First, we need a full investigation to see exactly where the money goes from the time a royalty is paid to the time it is received.
We also need to raise awareness about the value of the music industry, or of the music in Canada. Mr. Nantel mentioned that in Nordic countries, like Sweden, Finland and Norway, subscription services are very successful. Monthly rates are higher than anywhere else in the world and everyone makes money.
In Canada today, not everyone would necessarily agree to pay even $10 per month for access to a service like Deezer or Google Play or the like. The percentage of customers interested in that is much lower in Canada than anywhere else in the world. We have to raise awareness so that the marketplace comes to understand that music has a value, that it is not free and that everyone has to pay for the music they consume. With time, consumption habits will change and that is the way to go.