This one is for all four of you, and it relates to the next piece of our puzzle and that is how we as a federal government fund the music industry. We fund about $25 million into the industry on a yearly basis.
The companies of all four of you, whether it's digital or streaming, are engaged in a whole different sphere of what this fund was originally set up for or responding to.
First, I'd like to get your comments on how we could change the structure at FACTOR to address the direction that all four of your companies have moved in and continue to move in, so that taxpayers' investment in musicians will be relative to the industry they're going to grow into, based on the fact that you are basically the carrier and seller of their product.
I know there is not a lot of time, but I'm hoping to get a response from each of you.
Second, I wonder how your companies have felt about making an investment back into the industry so that we can structure FACTOR in a way that it isn't only government funded but also funded by companies like yours that could help alleviate some of the need that we've heard from those who would like to seek or achieve some of that funding. It would seem to me that it would not be a bad opportunity for your companies to do that.