My experience with FACTOR directly hasn't been that extensive. I know I've benefited from it tremendously through applications from our management company and stuff for making the earlier records, and Great Big Sea. I see it mostly in the music community around St. John's where friends of mine have applied for FACTOR funding and got it and have started burgeoning careers as a result of that whole involvement with them. My recommendation as an artist, if I could have one, is for all the groups I see around here: the more, the better.
We live in a world right now, as has been pointed out very eloquently a few times, where the industry that I work in has changed, probably more than any other industry, in the last 20 years. I used to make money selling records. My copyright used to be worth something. The records that FACTOR helps us build and the tours we go on, it's all but gone.
Recording music used to occupy about 40% of my money in the early 1990s. For myself, and just about every other artist kicking around in North America, especially right now it's—what would you say Chip? It's probably 5%.