Sorry, Alan, except for your very successful solo career, which then involves more....
How do we stay relevant going forward? As I said, we're focused on marketing and touring. We don't make records. You need to have sales to get into the Starmaker Fund, so we assume you have your records and videos taken care of. We're trying to add that extra element to give them the boost to help them sustain themselves and become internationally relevant.
We try to maintain a steady input of new artists at 20%. Our average is around 21% new artists. We're not just giving the money out to the same bands. There are new people every year, which I always find encouraging; there are always new people breaking that ground. We manage our funding thresholds and success to make sure the sales level to get into the fund is relevant. We have a 91% approval rating of applications. If you can get to that threshold where you're in the fund, you have a 90% chance of being approved when you come to us for money, because we're very careful of how we manage all of the parameters.
We continue to focus on international programs. Two years ago we expanded all of our available digital initiatives to allow bands more flexibility for the kinds of things they wanted to innovate digitally. They can get funding for that. We've maintained an artist-centred approach, which means we don't judge people based on where they have their business set up. If they do it themselves, we fund them. If they're signed to Universal, we fund them. If they're signed to Nettwerk records, an independent, we fund them. We're more interested in the artist, and in that way we help the industry on the side.