You could almost imagine what they would be saying just by asking people around this room. Canadians are asking for things that involve youth so that the same sense of excitement that was created in 1967 can be created again, and when those youth are our age, then they too will have that memory.
They're asking for events and activities that strengthen our pride, that strengthen our recognition of what we've gone through in 150 years, but which foreshadow what might be coming next. There is a lot of interest in the new digital world. How best can you take advantage of that? How do we connect Canadians? How do we unify Canada?
And there's a lot of interest in the north. There's a real sense that the north is a very special part of Canada, and maybe there are opportunities here to identify ways in which we can help celebrate. People are always anxious to have a big celebration—on the Hill, and all across Canada—a very special celebration.