Thank you, Chair.
I wonder if you could tell me if you have any concerns, and if so, what they are regarding corporations that are in the cable business, or in a completely different business, like telephony, controlling the art, controlling what films get on television or get broadcast on cable.
It's like the tail wagging the dog. Somebody comes up with an idea for a film or a TV show, and to get it to people, they need it to go on cable. They make so much money on cable, they have bought the art, so as I say it's the tail wagging the dog.
I think of some of the shows as I switch channels. There's a show about people who are over 600 pounds and there's a show about people riding around in a cab that lights up. There's just so much nonsense, but there are also excellent shows as well. Is that a concern to you, that we have corporations deciding what art we see in Canada, what we're exposed to? What can we do about it?
An example, of course, is that Bell owns CTV and The Globe and Mail.