I think it's a priority for us. When we sit around the table with our industry association, all the heads of labour sit around that table as well. We work very closely with them in terms of making our jurisdiction as attractive as we can.
There are other things we do which I think are not as recognized. First, the unions invest a lot in training, which benefits us all. They invest a lot in safety and also a lot in maintaining as green an industry in North America, in British Columbia, for instance, as they can. I think we've been a leader in terms of the environment.
The other important thing is that we also work closely with the schools in trying to make sure that students get an opportunity to get on set and get engaged in the business. Shawn and I have both spoken at universities and have encouraged students to get in and have helped mentor them. The unions are very good at that also. They also maintain a very high standard in terms of safety, as I talked about before. It has been a really close collaboration, unlike the situation in other industries.