That's a very good question. Pompeii, as an example, was a co-production, which I think indicative of most of the larger-budget Canadian movies that are shot in Canada. It was a treaty co-production with Germany. The reason you're able to have these larger budgets on co-productions is that you're able to automatically access, as Mr. Petrollini was saying, cast and directors and financing because of the more relaxed rules around co-productions. Pompeii had some very big stars in it who wouldn't have been able to be employed in a Canadian content without a co-production, just because of the control guidelines and the points test.
So the co-production is one way, and probably my favourite way, to increase the size of productions and increase the quality of the people that Canadian producers produce with. I think it's the way that a lot of Canadian producers are going in terms of trying to access bigger markets and more payday.