Thank you very much for your answer.
I'd like to talk about something else.
We all know that the goal of this study is to look at how quickly technologies have been developing. I'm thinking of the display devices, iPads and on-demand video, which go against the content quotas our government practices have promoted so far.
You have given us some recommendations, but do you think there are people we should meet with as a matter of urgency? Time is running out, and I'm worried that this study will not be as comprehensive as the previous one. Do you feel that certain issues are more crucial than others?
Times are changing. Last week, the CRTC made some changes in television. The same producers are often involved. The ways of doing business have been turned upside down. There used to be a framework that established how a producer should do business with a broadcaster. Are these changes positive or negative? I imagine it's very disturbing for you to see small producers being exposed to large broadcasting conglomerates.