I personally would say that the most significant challenge is this.
Whenever we talk about going digital, I come back to this question. We need to keep believing in artistic creation, in supporting it and in investing in it. Canada's ability to shine in a competitive environment depends first and foremost on the content and the originality of the voices. In all artistic fields, Canada can punch above its actual demographic and economic weight, because there is public investment in creation. Risk-taking is tolerated and encouraged in Canada.
When we talk about creation, we often talk about buying time so that artists can work and develop their know-how and their original works. I think the convergence of the various creators, musicians, writers, producers and others, is extremely important in Canada. We will make it, despite all the competition with symbolic content, if we have an original creation, risky and sometimes provoking, sometimes disturbing. In that sense, I agree with the speech made at the Jutra awards. That is the key. That is the role of the Canada Council for the Arts. We hope that governments will continue to invest in the Canada Council for the Arts. Our responsibility is to identify artistic excellence and to support it properly.