First of all, excellence in any endeavour is a worthy pursuit. It is long term. It is difficult and expensive, but we should try to be excellent in everything we do in this country, just to pursue excellence, regardless at what level. If you're a young kid, if you're a piano player, if you're in business, we should be trying to pursue excellence in everything we do. That's the first thing. That attitude of trying to get better and be better is one thing.
To me, it's maybe more what the medal does. The medal in and of itself I am going to say maybe is not that important, but it's what it does in terms of inspiring people, challenging people. You don't go to the opera and see people with flags painted on their face. That happens in sport venues. It is unbelievable what sport can do for the country in terms of pulling the country together. It's unbelievable what sport does and what excellence does in getting young people, and people of all ages, to set some new goals, to stretch themselves. To me, it's what the medal does and not really the medal in and of itself.