We actually, at Branch 114, Oakville, do not go out to the schools on November 11. We would send some of our veterans out to the schools in advance of that, when they're asked to speak. When we're doing our ceremony on that day, it starts very early. We're setting up the wreaths, making sure the town is setting up their sound equipment for us correctly. There are a lot of things to do. We don't have time to be going to them on that day, November 11, but we could be prepared to send some of our veterans, once they've recognized the day, in the afternoon.
One of the other things we did recently in the afternoon was at one of the larger Catholic churches in Oakville, where we were asked to be a colour party at an all-faith musical event. I was told by some of the people in the congregation that the colour party is what made that musical event worthwhile to them.