Thank you.
I was talking about the CRTC's broadcasting regulations and the decision that was made on March 12, and I said we were concerned about it. The quotas for the percentage of Canadian programs broadcast during the day are going from 55% to 0%. So the rules on Canadian content will now apply only during prime time. That decision is meant to address challenges specific to the anglophone market, where Canadian series are facing U.S. competition during prime time.
We fully understand that, but the situation is completely different in a francophone market. Broadcasters broadcast more dubbed content outside prime time. Although the CRTC is increasing the credit given to productions dubbed in Canada, from 25% to 33%, that credit will apply to the programs broadcast at a time of the day when many Canadian productions are already on the air.
You will find more information about the nature of the challenges the dubbing industry is facing and about the validity of our recommendations in the brief we have submitted. I would also be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you.