The money should continue to be invested in high-performance preparation for the games, but further in the development of youth, and specifically—and I'll pick up on something Mr. Miller said and something I feel very passionately about—the provincial governments play an exceedingly large role in this. When athletes move from a large broad-based participation to a club level, the cost to the family for an athlete to compete at a club level with a qualified coach increases. Then when they move to a provincial team, the costs increase significantly, exponentially.
So the barrier for athletes to move through the system is at that provincial youth level. If there's any way to create, through the federal-provincial/territorial sport committee that exists, a matching bilateral program of funding at the provincial level to bring the provinces into the funding game, as British Columbia and Quebec have done and led the way in, that would have the most impact on the snow sports/winter side of things. It has to be at that provincial level.