We believe there are these opportunities to better coordinate and collaborate between the criminal and civil systems. We believe that enhanced regulations and quality assurance in problematic sectors would be beneficial. So in the area of supplements, for example, they operate within the natural health products area of Canadian regulation, and it's very permissive. So supplements present a huge issue for our elite athletes.
Workplace health and safety regulations in pro leagues would be very beneficial. That would ensure compliance with health and safety issues, of which we believe anti-doping is a very clear health issue.
Obviously we've mentioned enhanced and sustained financial support.
Then finally, with reference to our friend from Canadian Tire, we've issued a challenge on the world stage to the corporate sector at the recent international conference on anti-doping to get involved in supporting anti-doping efforts. We believe the corporate sector throughout the world has benefited from elite and high-performance athletes, but they have, to date, not invested in keeping those athletes clean. So the resulting UCI scandal and Lance Armstrong scenario are apparent and corporations have actually left a lot of the funding.