I'm so pleased you mentioned your study, because I've heard wonderful things. I've heard about the testimony by Elizabeth Manley and some of these world-class Canadian athletes. I look forward to seeing the rest of the testimony.
This government has been steadfast in its support of sport. Along with sport, research must be done. Research is imperative to ensuring the safety and the wellness of the athletes who participate. It's important because we need to be able to train them in an effective manner—not only the athletes but also the coaches who participate. We are presently getting ready for the Sochi Olympics, which will, again, be an opportunity for us to showcase the best of Canadian athletes. We invest heavily in our athletes because we are proud of them and the recognition they bring to Canada.
This is a fund that we support very much. It will allow us to do essential research. Things like concussions are, of course, in the news continually. The ability to actually do some research there is important and I'm glad that Health Canada is also embarking...to ensure that we have what we need to protect our athletes.
Thank you for asking about it.