You used the term “industry”. There are challenges in terms of research and development. It's not a matter of weaving a sash, but rather of creating new business models. The costs associated with those new platforms also have to be considered.
You talked about government advertising. I know that my colleague is always worried that we are spending too much. I would like to come back to the point raised by the Minister of Canadian Heritage. She said that official language responsibilities should be shared by all departments, so that everyone would be promoting official languages in Canada. That is not the concern of a single minister, but of all the ministers. Similarly, support for regional media should be the responsibility of all departments, which should concern themselves with regional markets. You made a relevant analysis.
I agree with you about managing what is commonly referred to as GAFA—an acronym that stands for Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon. Unions could be asked to contribute to the debate by providing a practical analysis worthy of the Observatoire de la culture du Québec, like the one you provided.
Regarding GAFA, do you believe the solution lies internationally?