The greatest challenge right now is finding a space, because it's extremely expensive. It's also about finding a space that's located somewhere that's accessible to transit. We're committed to doing that. We're committed to having something that's either on a subway line or very accessible, not just as an asset for that community and not just as a hub for that immediate community, but as something that can also be an asset for other artists in the community who can come to that hub to practise their work or for other audience members from all across the city who can come to practise there and view shows there.
Because of the huge difficulties and challenges in Toronto due to the price of real estate, we're really being priced out of a lot of these properties. We're focused right now on trying to find space that is a new build and is purpose-built. We have enough spaces that are not necessarily well equipped or well suited for art space, or for theatres in particular. What we really need is something that's purpose-built and that can house a variety of contemporary practices. All our companies are contemporary companies.