Oh, absolutely. Because the coalition is a volunteer association, it's an opportunity for women from a younger generation to get experience. We have a multi-generational approach that includes mentorship and sponsorship within the coalition.
Also, we work really closely with the Canadian Arts Summit, which is representative of the biggest legacy institutions in the country. I have been in conversation with them about the search firms, about the values we are asking for and the directions we are giving them, because there are really only about five of them that work in the arts.
I've been talking with Business for the Arts and the Canadian Art Summit about sending a public letter to these search firms to say,“These are our values, and in the searches you're undertaking, we would like you to think about women and about indigenous candidates, disabled candidates, racialized candidates, and Canadian candidates.” I think that is how we are policing, for lack of a better term, our own sector to encourage them to do better.