Thank you so much for the excellent presentation. You've presented a colossal amount of information in a very short period of time, and I could probably spend hours asking you lots of questions right now. That was a really heroic job in a very short period of time.
I'm going to anchor my questions based on what I'm hearing from artists and creators and those in the culture industries from my riding of Davenport. I think it's the best way for me to approach it.
Mr. Schaan, you were talking about remuneration for the youth and the dissemination of artists' and creators' work. You said it's protected for the general life of the author plus 50 years and that for song recordings it's 70 years. The impression I have been given from those in the industry is that Canada is behind other countries. I think that Mexico has a protection for songs for 100 years; most countries have moved to 70, and we're behind at 50 years.
I want to know whether that is factually true, and if so, why it is so.