Thank you, Madam Chair.
I'm very much enjoying the conversation. I'm learning a lot this morning.
I have an acknowledgement to begin with; I never listen to the radio. I'm a live music performance person. I find live music or I go to look for live music, but whatever happens on a radio is a different world to me. The radio has never been turned on in my car, nor cassettes nor CDs played in it. I live in a different world; I understand that.
Do I have a playlist on a device? Absolutely, but it's usually classical music.
When you talk about the future and devices, any technology since my 12-year-old granddaughter was born is now dated. If you're looking to the future, how do you devise legislation that is going to be much more forward-thinking than what you've already said? You're trying to define legislation, but 10 years from now, everything we know now is going to be outdated.