Well, only a small portion of my work is actually under this thing. I own most of my work and most of my tapes. I own most of my masters and everything. There's only a small contingent of my work that is affected.
Let's say you're an artist who writes two things in your life, or writes the one book, and it does come back to you. At that point, you would be able to decide if you want to stay with that publisher. Has he done the right thing for you? Do you want to remarket it in a different way? Do you want to bundle it with some new work?
Suddenly, it becomes yours. Do you want to sell it back to the publisher again? You now have an opportunity to sell your music not for the $1 that you signed for, but for $1,000, and you can have something else from your work that you did when you were young. Those are the things that happen.