It could on all four of mine actually.
I noticed that David Bussières also mentioned three of my four. Each one would have immediate effect. The first one is about the radio royalty exemption and getting rid of that subsidy. Again there's subsidizing. Your artists are subsidizing the big media conglomerates. That needs to stop. If that ended, that money would be filtered through into the artists' pockets immediately.
It's the same with sound recording. For example, I just played with Alan Doyle on a new kids' show that he's writing the music for. It's not online yet, but if this was enacted and the sound recording wording was changed, as soon as that was actually played, I would get paid for my work. That would also help me immediately.
The other thing, on private copying, would help immediately as well. Having a term extension would help me be able to value my work for longer so I would be able to leverage that if I were talking to a publisher or a label about my catalogue.
All four would help me right now. They would help David Bussières as well. I noticed that three out of four of my asks are also on his list.