The proposal actually was broached with you, I believe, by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters at their appearance on September 24. Susan Wheeler, who also is at Rogers, discussed this and suggested that this committee look at that split. It was raised by Jay Kerr-Wilson in front of the INDU committee.
Under subsection 19(3) of the Copyright Act, under the regime for radio and for commercial radio, ultimately the monies, the royalties that accrue from that tariff, are split fifty-fifty between artists/performers on the one side and the labels on the other side. What we're suggesting is that this calibration be revised to provide more money to the artists and less money to the labels.
As we know, the labels are primarily multinationals. They're large companies. Many of them are based in the U.S. There are not that many that are Canadian. I think 2% of the monies go to Canadian labels. On the artists side, about 28% of the monies go to Canadian artists right now. We think that if the pool were bigger, then obviously the 28% pot would be greater and more money could very quickly and easily be funnelled toward Canadian artists.