I want to let the francophone members and everyone who needs French interpretation know that the third witness, Aluki Kotierk, will be giving her evidence in Inuktitut. The interpretation will be from Inuktitut to English, then from English to French, so there will be a delay. I'm announcing it so that everyone will be ready for the delay.
We have with us Lucy Bell, from the Royal British Columbia Museum, who will be speaking by video conference.
We have present with us right now President Clément Chartier, from the Métis National Council.
Also here with us is President Aluki Kotierk, of Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.
We have everyone at the table.
We will start with the video conference, just in case we run into other technical difficulties this morning. Could we begin, please, with Lucy Bell, from the Royal British Columbia Museum?
You have time to make a presentation right now, if you'd like to begin.