That's a very good question, this notion of magazines, as a group, lasting for a certain number of years, with some closing and new ones starting up. People are always starting new magazines, and occasionally magazines fold.
As Matthew said in his introductory remarks, we have about 2,000 magazines in Canada, about 30% more than we had in 2000. There's a continued interest. Magazines are loved by readers. We actually publish the largest magazine in Saskatchewan, by the way, CAA Magazine.
There is a life cycle to these, not unlike the situation of certain current affairs shows in broadcasting. The Fifth Estate happens to have run longer than most, but we all remember This Hour Has Seven Days. It lasted only so long.
You get a particular focus, a particular editorial idea, and you run with it for a period of time. Some magazines run for a very long time. There are magazines that are over 100 years old. Some magazines are reasonably new. The Walrus magazine, which is maybe 10 years old now, has kind of replaced what Saturday Night magazine was, and that magazine was around for more than 100 years.