Yes. This is a very important issue for the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples.
Unfortunately, CAP was not consulted on this day.
We have noticed in the past that the federal government and INAC deals mostly.... As you know, there are five NIOs in Canada, and the federal government has decided, for I don't know what reason, to deal with only three NIOs in most cases. I don't want to speak for NWAC, but we get left out a lot. I think for a discussion as important as this one, CAP should have been invited. We represent those living off reserve. And right now, I'm not giving you information that you do not already have. There are over 70% of indigenous people living off reserve. We are the oldest, and we're being left out. I have to tell you that sometimes I'm pretty upset about it.
Anyway, I'm very glad to be here, to be able to express my feelings. But to answer your question, no, CAP was not consulted.