No problem.
In conclusion, I would simply say that it is urgent that the government call on all of those who benefit from the work of Canadian creators, otherwise we run the risk of having classes that will have the latest in interactive white boards, but without quality content to justify their use for educational purposes.
What do we expect from the legislator? We want him to fulfil the mission to stop counterfeiting, we want the law to have more teeth, and if the legislator cannot put in place even preliminary solutions, that he finally be convinced that private copying is not a tax, but a way to support culture.
We expect the legislator to review the fair use principle for educational purposes by bringing in a narrow definition of education and restricting the broad interpretations of what constitutes a teaching environment.
We expect the legislator to bring in effective promotion of copyright, and encourage users to respect it, particularly in the field of education.
Finally, the legislator needs to make Internet providers accountable by demanding that they inform their subscribers about copyright, and cooperate in withdrawing access from non-compliers, when the need arises.
On behalf of the vibrant world of Canadian French-language publishing, we thank you for your attention.