Mr. Tamm, you know that I am totally on your side. I'm trying hard to be objective, but of course I'm on your side.
All kidding aside, I understand very well what you are saying, and that is why I asked you that question. We've often heard viewpoints expressed here that were a little off-kilter. Those who write scripts for television, for instance, say that they should be the producers, while producers refuse, saying that they are the ones who created the series.
When people see all their money being stolen by international platforms that do not pay tax to Canada and do not respect our quotas, and see the government turning a blind eye and see that things will not change until 2024, they of course doggedly go after the few crumbs that are still on the table.
My question is now addressed to you, Ms. Therrien and Mr. Bell. Is there fair use when it comes to your electricity bills?